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In the past decade nearly half of all Australians have reported experiencing some form of sleep problems with many continuing to suffer with poor quality of sleep each night. Australian adults report sleeping on average 7-8 hours a day which is within the recommended 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep according to the Australian sleep guidelines. “Despite this, 2 in 3 adults report at least 1 sleep problem and almost half have at least 2 sleep related problems” (AIHW, 2021).

Whether it’s getting too much or too little sleep, poor sleep can seriously affect a person’s quality of life and increase their risk of developing chronic health conditions such as hormonal, cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes (AIHW, 2021). It’s no wonder sleep is a widely researched risk factor, that is dynamic and complex in the way that it affects the human body. Lucky for the average sleeper there’s only a few simple steps that are required to improve your chances of a good night sleep, starting with your mattress.

Why is sleep so important?

But first, why should you care about your quality of sleep at all?

According to Aminoff et al, the average person sleeps basically “one third of their lifetime or at least attempts to do so” (Aminoff et al., 2011). By mastering and wilfully taking control of your own sleep, you can actually equip yourself with the means to champion this one-third of your life, and watering it carries on added benefits into other areas of your wakeful life whether that be work, family or your social life.

Getting enough sleep aids in regulating your appetite, metabolism, mood, immunity and hormonal functioning. If you have young kids, know that sleep is absolutely essential for healthy growth, learning, development and their cognitive functioning. Evidence based research indicates that both the length and quality of sleep are strongly associated with increased life satisfaction (AIHW, 2021).

Choice of mattress, a game changer

Have you ever thought to yourself: “Does what you sleep on really affect how well you sleep?” Science says absolutely!

Dr. Andrew Huberman who is a well-known neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University has frequently discussed the importance of sleep on his podcast, “Huberman Lab Podcast”.

Many discussions on the importance of good sleep can be heard on his podcast which we’ve linked below.

“The single most important thing for optimizing brain function is sleep” – Dr. Andrew Huberman

(Jorge, 2023).

Scientists and experts in the sleep field generally agree that the surface you choose to sleep on, essentially your mattress, can greatly improve your quality of sleep therefore overall health; so don’t compromise on your health each night! Beyond that, the type of mattress that is comfortable for each person is subjective and depends on what your personal needs are.

What makes a good mattress?

A good mattress for you will depend on your own personal needs, whether you suffer from back pain, whether your back suits a softer or a firmer mattress. Research however can point to a more generalised understanding, it suggests that sleeping on a medium-firm mattress is ideal as it promotes comfort, proper spinal alignment for hip, back and invites quality sleep. In general, the mattress that you sleep on should support the curvature of your spine, shouldn’t cause you to get too warm and should fit your budget at the end of the day (Hecht, 2021).

Do you have body aches and pains?

You might want to consider a memory foam mattress. According to a small 2015 study (Ancuelle et al., 2015), memory foam mattresses of medium firmness allowed for participants to have decrease in pain experienced and a faster rate of falling asleep.

Other studies have pointed towards latex foam options which can help resist the feeling of “sinking in” that is commonly associated with memory foam. This may also help sleepers stay at a comfortable temperature and sleeping position (Hecht, 2021).

Bedworld Online Perth offers a range of mattresses that are branded and known to be some of the best mattresses in Australia. We offer big brands such as Simply the Best, Slumber care, Tencel and other affordable mattress options suitable for your own personal budget.

Our bed warehouse and showroom in Perth stores mattresses that are fully equipped with features such as latex, memory foam layers, cooling gel technology and much more. Not to mention we store a variety of locally made, Western Australian mattress. Many of these mattresses include layers of latex and memory gel to ensure extra cushioning that is responsive to feel and able to enhance pressure relief and comfort.

You’ll find our Osborne Park bedroom furniture store here, in Perth, only a 15-minute drive up from Perth CBD.  Don’t worry if you live further away we also offer a selection of quality beds and mattresses online on our website.

Have a browse of our wide range of cooling gel memory foam and latex mattresses below:


Ultra Support Plus -MEDIUM FIRM By Slumber Care

Genuine Orthopaedic Black Diamond Mattress by Slumbercare

 Slumbercare Genuine Orthopaedic Vitality Premium 7+7

AH Beard Domino Edinburgh Premium Mattress

Grand Posture Natural Medium Mattress By Simply the Best 


Figure 2: Genuine Orthopaedic Vitality Premium 7+7 Slumbercare 


Figure 1: Foam layer technology

Final verdict, Do I need a new mattress?

Having a quality mattress could mean the difference between peaceful, slumber-like sleep and restless sleep full of tossing and turning. Unfortunately, even the best mattresses degrade over time, so it’s important to ask yourself, is it time to get a new mattress? After all, dear reader you deserve the best and most comfortable mattress there is. According to the Sleep Foundation, most mattresses have a life of 7 to 10 years, however this depends on the materials it’s made out of. A cheaper, bare minimum mattress will most certainly wear out quicker whereas investing in a higher quality mattress with proper material will result in better construction and durability. Traditionally latex, foam and hybrid mattresses will outlive those with just innerspring. The sleep foundation recommends “replacing your mattress regularly, as it’s absolutely worth the investment in your health and well-being” (Fountain, 2024).

Huberman Lab Podcast: 

Episodes on sleep


AIHW. (2021, November 26). Sleep problems as a risk factor for chronic conditions [Gov]. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 

Aminoff, M., Boller, F., & Dick, S. (2011). We spend about one-third of our life either sleeping or attempting to do so. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 98. 

Ancuelle, V., Zamudio, R., & Mendiola, A. (2015). Effects of an adapted mattress in musculoskeletal pain and sleep quality in institutionalized elders. Sleep Science, 8(3), 115–120.

Fountain, L. (2024, June 28). How Long Should A Mattress Last? [Blog]. How Long Should A Mattress Last?

Hecht, M. (2021, February 19). Does a Good Mattress Lead to Better Sleep? Healthline.

Jorge, H. (2023, March 13). 10 Best Andrew Huberman Quotes—Change and Rewire your Brain. 10 Best Andrew Huberman Quotes - Change and Rewire Your Brain.,optimizing%20brain%20function%20is%20sleep.%22